Amber Arias

Family of God can you please lend me your ear for a minute to please hear my heart and my burden. The Kingdom work the Lord has called us to is not an event. It is a clarion call to the body to rise up as the remnant army of God. To draw the blood lines of Jesus around our children and suit up pray up and stand the frontlines for our families and speak out about the demonic ideologies being taught in schools and forced on our kids.

It is about standing boldly against every diabolical agenda that aims to strip us of our rights to protect our children’s God given identities. There will be events as Holy Spirit leads us!! This is about awakening the sleeping bride that has been lulled to sleep by doctrines of demons and desensitized by Media and Hollywood and Youtube and every UnHoly UnGodly thing that is being taught to the babies right now!! WE MUST GUARD THEIR GATES!!!

Hear me when I say this is not about politics its about guarding the gates of our homes and communities and restoring Moral Values and Biblical Principals back in our churches, schools and our homes in California and throughout the nation!! This is a 2 Chronicle 7:14 time when we should be in prostration before the LORD, Fasting,Praying, Declaring, and decreeing the word of God and applying the blood of Jesus to our families and our land!

Make no mistake we are no longer on the defense we are on the offense and it is time to take our position as the Sons and Daughters of the Most High with Power and Authority pushing back the darkness and taking it all back in Jesus name!!

Please bring this before the Lord in prayer and ask him what your position is in this fight!! I pray the Lord would break our hearts for what breaks His!!

God bless you
Sister Amber

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My Testimony & My Calling

It's about our family. It's about our kids.